F46挤出和其它热塑性塑料的挤出一样,在挤出一开始首先要调偏心,这对于挤出线缆的质量很关重要,在挤出机的操作中也是一项技术性较强的工作。怎样使在电线挤出中,调偏心的工作,减到最简单,一直是从事电线挤出工作者所关心的事,有许多人作过很多有意义的研究。 F46挤出模具,由于F46材料所具有的特性,大都采用管式模。通过实践,我们发现,只要机头里分料器的曲线设计合理的话,那未,
F46 Extrusion Like other thermoplastics, eccentricity must be achieved at the outset of extrusion, which is important for the quality of the extruded cable and is also a more technical job in extruder operation. As to how to minimize the work of adjusting wires during wire extrusion, it has always been the concern of wire extrusion workers. Many people made a lot of meaningful studies. F46 extrusion die, due to the characteristics of the F46 material, mostly tubular model. Through practice, we found that as long as the head of the feeder curve design is reasonable, then,