人到老年,由于体内器官的变化,功能衰退,某些动作可能潜藏着危险,以下几种就值得当心。 快速起床 老年人神经调节功能迟钝,起床时如速度过快,特别是鲤鱼打挺似的一跃而起,因体位突然由卧位变成直立位,致使血压急剧升高,导致脑血管破裂而使悲剧发生。 防范的办法很简单,就是放慢起床的节奏,遵循“三个半分钟”的原则。所谓“三个半分钟”指的是:清醒后睁眼平卧半分钟,起身坐在床上半分钟,然后放下两只脚在床沿上坐半分钟,最后下床活动,给神经系统以充足的调节时间,悲剧很可能就不会发生了。
People to the elderly, due to changes in body organs, functional decline, some of the actions may be hidden dangers, the following are worth to be careful. Quickly get rid of the elderly nerve function retardation, get up as fast, especially the carp quite like jumped up, because the position suddenly changed from lying to upright position, resulting in a sharp increase in blood pressure, leading to rupture of cerebrovascular Tragedy happened. The precautionary approach is simple, is to slow down the pace of getting up, follow the “three and a half minutes” principle. The so-called “three and a half minutes” refers to: After awake eyes open half a minute, get up and sit in bed for half a minute, and then put down two feet sit on the bed for half a minute, and finally get out of bed activities to the nervous system to adequate Adjust the time, the tragedy is likely to not happen.