Rare cavernous lymphangioma of the bladder in an adult female:treatment and review of the literature

来源 :黑龙江科技学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crr0808
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Objective: Lymphangioma is a benign tumor representing a congenital malformation of the lymphatic channels. The cavernous lymphangioma of the bladder did not report before. Here we report 1 case of cavernous lymphangioma of the bladder in an adult female and review the literature in order to accumulate the experience of diagnosis and treatment for these diseases. Methods: In our case a 50-year-old woman presented with irritative voiding symptoms and had painless macroscopic hematuria at times. Cystoscopy showed a non-papillary tumor at apex vesicae and mucous membrane hyperaemia between the two orifices within the trigone. The pathologic diagnosis was cystitis glandularis with hyperplasia of urothelium and cavernous lymphangioma in lamina propria. Transurethral resection was performed and then bleomycin A5 was injected into lesion multipoint applying ureteral catheter with puncture needle. Results: Two months after operation the irritative voiding symptoms improved and the urine analysis was normal. Cystoscopy showed no residual tumor. Bleomycin A5 was injected into the lesion area again just like the operation before. All symptoms disappeared completely when the patient was examined a month later. There was no side effect after injection and no recurrence during the follow-up of 1 year. Conclusion: Lymphangioma of the bladder can be diagnosed exactly by cystoscopy and pathological examination. Surgery may be the best treatment. The bleomycin A5 intralesional sclerosant is also an effective therapy for the disease after surgical removal.
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