Recently, even turning over Yongkang Wang Yeh’s ”Favorite Tang Poems“ (Shenyang Press first edition in November 2009, November 2015 second printing), found a general introduction on the title page: ”Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Cen Shen, Liu Yuxi ... one by one name, Canruo Morningstar, shining through the ages.“ ”This“ Canruo Morningstar ”should be“ Canruo Star ”error. Yongkang prince this mistake, reminds me of another very similar error. The famous painter and writer Mr. Wu Guanzhong’s essay “Road” (see September 20, 2006 “Wen Wei Po” “PEN ”), there is such a sentence: "The vast sea of enlightenment is far-sighted