Introduction The source evaluated in this article is an air gun used by Texas Instruments in marine seismic exploration. According to the author, the only previous efficiency of airgun determination was based on the isothermal system’s acoustic efficiency. The present analysis will show that the system is not isothermal and the efficiency of the gun decreases as the depth of the gun increases. Airsoft guns work on the principle that a large amount of high pressure (2000 psig) air suddenly releases in the water to form a bubble. The resulting bubble vibrates (expands or contracts) until all energy is consumed. Part of the energy is acoustic radiation, while the remaining part is viscously consumed. We can examine this in more detail: When high-pressure air is released, an acoustic pulse is emitted. The amplitude and rise time of the acoustic pulse, the pulse, depend mainly on the pressure (Pc), volume (Ve) Hydrostatic pressure (Po). Part of the energy is released as the first pulse, and the rest acts as a bubble on the surrounding sea surface. and