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今年首次放开电煤价格导致的电煤合同僵持局面虽然还没有完全破解,但电煤价格持续放开的姿态却越来越强硬。国家发改委3月17日公布的分析报告预测,2006年电力新增装机约7200万千瓦,全国夏季最大电力缺口将低于1000万千瓦,煤炭产能过剩压力逐渐显现。报告预计2006年煤炭供需将保持总量基本平衡、比较宽松的格局,因此将继续推进煤炭订货制度改革,坚持在政府监管条件下放开电煤价格。“最后还是要市场供需说了算, 这也是煤电改革的根本宗旨。”有人这样评价。由此看来,包括煤电在内的中国资源产品市场化改革仍有一段艰难的路要走。而“市场煤”“计划电”共存共生、反复博弈的平衡点究竟在哪里?一些业内人士所极力鼓吹的打破煤电僵局的“煤电联动”、“煤电联营”、“煤电一体化”等种种办法究竟能否真正有效,仍是迷局重重。所以发改委的专家一句“资源产品市场化改革如箭在弦,如何顺利实现改革意图又能兼顾民生之重?”可以说既深刻指出了其中玄妙, 也充分表明政府和社会大众对加速煤电市场化改革的隐忧。 Although the situation of stalemate in coal contracts due to the first liberalization of coal prices this year has not yet been completely solved, the stance of continuing liberalization of coal prices has become more and more tough. National Development and Reform Commission on March 17 released the analysis report predicts that in 2006 the new installed capacity of about 72 million kilowatts of electricity, the national summer maximum power shortage will be less than 10 million kilowatts, the pressure of overcapacity of coal gradually emerged. The report predicts that the supply and demand of coal will maintain a basically balanced and relatively loose pattern in 2006, and therefore will continue to push forward the reform of the coal ordering system and insist on liberalizing the price of coal under government regulatory conditions. “Finally, the market supply and demand have the final say, which is the fundamental purpose of coal power reform.” Some people commented. Seen in this light, the reform of market-oriented Chinese resource products, including coal-fired power, is still going to have a difficult road to go. The “market coal” “plan electricity” coexistence symbiosis, the balance of repeated game where exactly? Some industry insiders strongly advocated to break the impasse of coal “coal linkage”, “Coal”, “coal integration ”Whether these various measures can really be effective is still a puzzle. Therefore, experts from the NDRC said: “The marketization of resource products is on the verge of success. How can the smooth implementation of the reform aim at the same time give consideration to the importance of livelihood?” It can be said that the mystery among them is profoundly pointed out. It also shows that both the government and the general public have a great influence on accelerating the coal market The reform of the hidden worries.
从加入世贸组织算起,关于内外资企业所得税并轨的讨论已经整整 5年,住今年的两会上,再次成为代表委员们热议及社会各界关注的焦点。政协会议上,由民建中央提出的《尽快统一内