目的 :对重症监护患者的镇痛镇静治疗进行观察研究。方法 :随机选取2015年1月~2016年1月时间区间我院接收治疗的100例重症监护患者,依据不同治疗方法划分成研究组和对照组,各50例,对照组接受咪达唑仑治疗,研究组接受舒芬太尼联合吗啡治疗,就两个组别治疗效果进行观察对比。结果 :研究组VAS评分(2.62±0.73)分、停药苏醒时间(0.15±0.03)h相较于对照组(5.74±0.65)分、(1.57±0.41)h显著更低(P<0.05);研究组不良反应发生发生率4.0%显著低于对照组28.0%(P<0.05)。结论:舒芬太尼联合吗啡应用于治疗重症监护患者效果满意,具备临床推广价值。
Objective: To observe and study the analgesic sedation in intensive care patients. Methods: A total of 100 intensive care patients receiving treatment in our hospital from January 2015 to January 2016 were randomly selected and divided into study group and control group according to different treatment methods, 50 cases in each group, and the control group received midazolam treatment , The study group received sufentanil combined morphine treatment, the two groups were observed and compared the effect of treatment. Results: Compared with control group (5.74 ± 0.65) and (1.57 ± 0.41) h, VAS score of study group (2.62 ± 0.73) and withdrawal time of withdrawal (0.15 ± 0.03) h were significantly lower (P <0.05); The incidence of adverse reactions in the study group 4.0% was significantly lower than that in the control group 28.0% (P <0.05). Conclusion: Sufentanil combined with morphine is effective in treating intensive care patients and has clinical value.