In order to clarify the influence of deep foundation pit excavation on the existing subway tunnel under complex environment and to optimize the foundation pit support scheme. Based on the typical engineering examples, a detailed calculation model of foundation pit construction is established. The mechanical characteristics of the excavation and support structure are analyzed. The mechanical response of the adjacent subway tunnel to excavation is explored. Then the optimization scheme is proposed. The results show that the maximum lateral displacement caused by unloading excavation is 31.3mm, which occurs at a certain depth under the top of the wall. The deformation of the continuous wall shows “bulging belly” as a whole. The subway structure has obvious disturbances, the maximum displacement is 10.7mm, which exceeds the pre-warning value specified in the code. After the optimization of the support scheme, the maximum displacement of subway tunnel structure caused by excavation is 5.6mm, which is smaller than the initial design 47.7%, meeting the displacement requirements, indicating that the program adjustment is feasible.