天安门广场浓缩了中华民族的精华,是全国人民向往的地方。 2001年8月,我终于有机会到北京学习。当肃立在天安门广场,看到五星红旗在激昂的国歌声中冉冉升起,望着金碧辉煌的天安门,使我联想这近600年历史的城楼,它虽经历了多少个朝代暴风骤雨般的洗礼,但仍如此得恢宏庄严,展示着自己的雄姿。此时,我耳旁又仿佛传来世纪伟人毛泽东主席那宏亮、庄严响遍全球的声音:“中华人民共和国、中央人民政府成立了!”中国终于冲破了黑暗,在
Tiananmen Square enriched the essence of the Chinese nation, is the yearning for the people of the country. August 2001, I finally have the opportunity to study in Beijing. When standing in the Tiananmen Square and seeing the rising star of the Five-Star Red Flag rising from the passionate national anthem and looking back at the magnificent Tiananmen Square, it reminds me of the nearly 600-year-old watchtower. Although it has undergone several violent baptisms in its dynasty, Still magnificent solemn, showing his majestic. At this moment, it was as if my grand and solemn Chairman Mao Tse-tung came to my ears to say: “The People’s Republic of China and the Central People’s Government were established!” China finally broke through the darkness