李清照之所以在宋代词史上占有重要的一席之地 ,是由于女词人在词作中以独特的艺术气质和生命体验 ,用真情吟唱出的生命之歌。不仅如此 ,更为重要的是 ,这位杰出的女性在不断地探求生命本质的过程中 ,以积极的人生态度和不懈追求生命价值的精神 ,超越了传统文化 ,达到了“前无古人 ,后无来者”的生命辉煌
The reason why Li Qingzhao occupies an important place in the history of the Song Dynasty is the song of life singled out by the true woman because of his unique artistic temperament and life experience. More importantly, this outstanding woman in the continuous exploration of the essence of life, with a positive attitude towards life and the spirit of relentless pursuit of the value of life, beyond the traditional culture, reached the “unprecedented, after no future Who ”brilliant life