一、引言: 蓝色意味着梦幻,黑色是坚毅的象征。蓝色依偎着黑色,就如同梦想比邻着执着。梦想并且执着,这正是有着近百年传奇历史的国际米兰最贴切的灵魂写照;蓝色犹如意大利人幽深的眼神,黑色则是不尽的夜空。黑色吸附着蓝色,就如同黑夜笼罩着渴望。漫长的颠沛求索,苍茫古道上留下了国际米兰人巍峨的深色背影。怀揣着梦想于荣耀,企望着辉煌和成功,为冠军而战的国际米兰就如同加缪笔下的那个永不停息的西西弗斯一样,虽因被天神罚作不断推石上山的苦役,但他仍不言悲泣地往复着自己命定的轮回。加缪说:“西西弗斯其实是感到了幸福的。”由此,我们或许也可以有足够的理由去推断:同样求索着的蓝黑巨人也应同样是幸福的。地中海的阔大和阿尔卑斯的巍峨铸就了国米人壮怀激
First, the introduction: blue means fantasy, black is a symbol of perseverance. Blue clinging to black, just as persistent as the dream attached. Dream and dedication, this is exactly the most appropriate soul with a century-old history of legend; blue as the Italian deep eyes, black is the endless sky. Black sucks in blue, just as the darkness lurks longingly. A long search of the United States, the vast trail left a deep impression of Inter Milan dark back. With the dream of glory in the hope of glory and success, fighting for the championship of Inter Milan Camus pen on the same as the never-ending Sisyphus, though by the gods fine for constantly pushing the stone uphill labor, but he Still without regret crying back to his own destiny. Camus said: “Sisyphus is actually feeling happy.” Thus, we may well have enough reason to conclude that the same seeking Blue Giant should also be equally happy. The spaciousness of the Mediterranean Sea and the majestic Alps have created a strong Inter Milan strong