请于9月10日前将答案寄:(450004)郑州市顺河路11号《中学生数理化》(初中)杂志社郭佳佳收;或发送电子邮件到[email protected].请在答卷上按顺序写上答案,并写清楚你的详细联系方式,有辅导老师的请注明.欢迎老师组奴学生集体参赛,每期均评出优胜个人奖及优秀辅导奖.答案和获奖名单将在本刊11月号上刊登,获奖证书和奖品也将同时寄出.
Please send your answers by September 10: (450004) Guo Jiajia, “Journal of Mathematics and Physics for Middle School Students” (No. 11 Middle School Students), Shunhe Road, Zhengzhou City; or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please follow the order on the answer sheet. Write your answers and write down your contact details clearly. There are tutors, please specify. Please welcome the teacher group slave students to participate in the contest. Each issue will be awarded with the winning individual award and outstanding tutoring award. The answers and winners will be published in this issue. On the November issue, award certificates and prizes will also be sent at the same time.