The Indirect Voice and Silent Voice is Merleau Ponti’s medium-term treatise on the theory of art. It mainly uses Saussure’s semiotic theory to reinterpret the formation of art history. In his view, art history is not a loose patchwork of a series of art events, nor is it an external manipulation of artistic events by some kind of artistic spirit, but a history of internal unity. This kind of art history is generated just as the history of language is expressed. Current events, on the one hand, are differentiated from previous events on the one hand by conscious innovation and are understood in comparisons with previous events, on the other hand, they can be further innovated Which is different from the latter event and is generated as a background. The interlocking sequence of events provides both the possibility of the unity of the art history and the intrinsic motivation of the continuation of the art history. Unfortunately, Melo Ponti did not reveal the particularity of art history as distinguished from general history.