慢性便秘是临床常见的症状,随年龄的增长,便秘的发生率增加,由年青人群 10%至老年人30%。我国和发展中国家过去发生率不高,随着饮食精化和年龄老化, 便秘病人急剧增加,而且诊治耗资巨大,重度便秘明显影响生活质量美国每年大约有 250万人因此就医,花在泻药上的资金约4 亿美元。便秘是指便次减少或排便不畅、困难、粪便干结且量少。正常的排便习惯差异很大,摄食种类及习惯、生活习惯、文化素质、经济水平、环境因素、人格个性、精神状态
Chronic constipation is a common clinical symptom, with age, the incidence of constipation increased from 10% of young people to 30% of elderly people. In the past, the incidence of constipation in our country and developing countries was not high. As the dietary refinement and aging, the number of patients with constipation increased sharply, and the cost of diagnosis and treatment was huge. Severe constipation had a significant impact on the quality of life. About 2.5 million people in the United States sought medical care and spend on laxatives The funds are about 400 million U.S. dollars. Constipation refers to the reduction or bowel defection, difficulty, stool dry and less. Normal bowel habits vary widely, feeding types and habits, lifestyle, cultural quality, economic level, environmental factors, personality, personality, mental state