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治淮委員会蒙城中心站所屬义門集流量站为了貫彻勤儉办水文事业的方針,解决汛期人力不足的困难,也为了响应党提出的干部参加体力劳动,在劳动中锻炼改造自己的号召,于本月内通过当地党政和当地■华农业社签订了双方换工的合同。合同中规定水文站职工枯季抽出一定时间参加农业社体力劳动,在讯期则由农业社派工帮助水文站测量。这个办法既能密切水文站和当地群众的关系,加强职工的群众观点和劳动观点,又能节钓开支,保征汛期水文站人力支援,因此值得提倡。现将换工合同附刊于后,供各地参考。 In order to carry out the principle of thrift and hydropower undertaking, solve the difficulties of lack of manpower in flood season, and also respond to the cadres’ participation in manual labor proposed by the Party and exercise their own calling in work , This month through the local party and government and local ■ China Agricultural Association signed a contract for the replacement of both workers. The contract stipulates that the staff of the hydrological station should take a certain amount of time in the dry season to participate in the labor force in the agricultural community and dispatch workers of the agricultural society to help the hydrological station during the hearing period. This measure is worthy of promotion both by closely monitoring the relationship between the hydrological station and the local people, by strengthening the masses’ viewpoint and working point of view of the staff, and at the expense of fishing and maintaining the manpower support of the hydrological station during the flood season. The contract will now be added to the contract for reference.
介绍了以沈阳-大庆6∶4混合原油减二线油为原料,生产HVI200润滑油基础油的工艺条件及工艺特点。 The process conditions and process characteristics of HVI200 lube base oil with
12月4日,浙江永农化工有限公司申请的95%乙氧呋草黄原药产品获得农业部批准,取得农药临时登记证书,这是我国批准的第2个乙氧呋草黄原药产品。此前,江苏好收成韦恩农化股 On
波兰·菲亚特 FSO 125P 型汽车是波兰华沙小客车厂(Fabyka Samochodow Oso-bouych)的主导产品。125P 小轿车是基本型,旅游面包车和轻便客货两用车是125P小轿车的变型产品。
青海省隆务河口流量站从1955年設站以来,始終認真地貫彻了勤儉办一切事业的方針。站上同志們克勤克儉,一切自己能办到的都是自己动手去办,不向上級伸手要錢。 Since its es