一、材料与方法 (一)试验材料中国林蛙(Rana temp—oraria chensinensis)和中华大蟾蜍(Bufobufo gargarizons)均于11月上旬捕捉,将蛙破坏脊髓致死,迅速剖腹剥离出输卵管。随机取样,每20只为一组。中国林蛙与中华大蟾蜍各分成两组。 (二)标准曲线的绘制精密称取毫克量的维生素标准品,用相应的溶媒溶解并定容至一定体积,再稀释成不同的浓度(μg)。将各稀释液于45℃水浴上保温1小时,之后于日立850—50型荧光分光光度计上测定其荧光强
I. Materials and Methods (I) Test materials Chinese Rana temporaria chensinensis and Bufobufo gargarizons were caught in early November. The frog was destroyed by the spinal cord and quickly died. The fallopian tubes were quickly dissected. Random sampling, every 20 ones. China’s Rana sylvatica and Chinese giant salamanders are divided into two groups. (B) the standard curve drawn accurately weighed milligrams of vitamin standards, with the corresponding solvent dissolved and fixed volume to a certain volume, and then diluted to a different concentration (μg). The dilutions were incubated on a 45°C water bath for 1 hour, after which the fluorescence intensity was measured on a Hitachi 850-50 fluorescence spectrophotometer.