1895年4月17日,中日双方签订了《马关条约》,清政府割让台湾全岛等岛屿给日本,激起了全国人民特别是台湾人民的强烈反对。 台湾人民得知割让台湾的消息时,“若午夜闻轰雷,惊骇无人色,奔走相告,聚哭于市中,夜以继日,哭声达于四野”。台湾的官僚士绅在多次致电清政府反对割台不起作用后,即同台湾人民一起掀起抗日斗争。台湾人民在绅士丘逢甲、台湾巡抚唐景崧的领导下,宣告“愿人人战死而失台,决不拱
On April 17, 1895, China and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki. The Qing government ceded islands all over Taiwan to Japan, arousing strong opposition from people across the country, especially from Taiwan. When the Taiwanese people learned of the cease-making of Taiwan, “If the midnight thunder bans the thunderstorm, the horror is unmanned, the adversary runs rumorlessly and tears cry in the city, night and day, and the cry reaches as high as four.” After many unsuccessful calls to the Qing government to oppose the issue of cutting power, Taiwan’s bureaucratic gentry set off a war of resistance against Japan with the people in Taiwan. Under the leadership of gentleman Qiu Fengjia and governor of Taiwan, Tang Jing-song, the people of Taiwan proclaimed that "everyone is ready to die but lose Taiwan, and no arch