从时代背景的变迁入手 ,剖析邓小平“猫论”、“摸论”和“闯论”三者间的关系 ,可以发现 ,从理论源起上看 ,它们均是中国现时代的产物 ,但各自的具体背景又大相径庭 ;从理论内容上看 ,它们均指向实际问题 ,但又因时代背景相异而各有侧重 ;从理论精神上看 ,它们均闪耀着马列主义精髓的光辉 ,但又受时代背景制约而不能孤立地理解
Starting from the change of the background of the times and analyzing the relationship between Deng Xiaoping’s theory of “cats”, “touching theory” and “Chuang Lun”, we can find that all of them are the products of modern China from the theoretical origin, Are quite different in their concrete backgrounds. From the theoretical point of view, they all point to practical problems, but each focuses on the differences in the background of the times. From a theoretical point of view, all of them shine with the glorious essence of Marxism-Leninism, Background constraints can not be understood in isolation