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  Recently, cooperated with H?fele, the well known German hardware brand, the Hotel Elite magazine organized two spectacular designer interviews in Shenzhen and Shanghai, which have provoked thoughts on hotel design among hotel designers.
  “Purple·Orange” Hotel Design Salon
  In the winter of year 2015, the “Purple·Orange” Hotel Design Salon held in Shenzhen was staged in the exhibition hall of H?fele, the German hardware brand. Purple represents wealth and elegance while orange represents passion and creativity. Those are the fashionable colours of Shenzhen and Guangzhou designers and theme of this salon.
  The whole “Purple·Orange” Hotel Design Salon was chaired by Hotel Elite editor-in-chief Tracy Wang, who focused on the topics of important principles, future trends & directions and the artistic understanding of hotel design, provoking thoughts and discussions among designers on site.
  The understanding of hotel design was explained through representative cases by lead designers from design institutes in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Among them are Feng Feifan, senior interior designer of Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd; Xu Baiwei, executive director of Heilong Design Consultant (HK) Limited; He haijun, chief interior designer of BLVD and other designers from LEO Global Design CO.,LTD.; Hong Kong YOUWU Space; Design,Shangliu Yipin Studio; Hu Zhongwei Interior Architecture & Design Co.,Ltd.
  Feng Feifan, senior interior designer of Kenneth Ko Designs Ltd, expressed his view on the importance of two hotel design principles which are profitability and sense of experience, that neither can do without the other. According to Xu Baiwei, executive director of Heilong Design Consultant (HK) Limited, the most overlooked area by hotel designers is the design of Back-of-house areas and it will be wise to combine being fancy with being practical and let sensibility and rationality coexist. Liu Yi, founder of Shangliu Yipin Studio said the hotel design will influence the way people live their lives. As the representative of hotel owners, Xiong Junlin, the founder and CEO of Riseason Boutique Hotel, shared his idea of how a hotel manager will request and think on hotel design. In the end, Wang Yi, publisher of the Hotel Elite magazine and chairman of the 345 Hotel Design Group, commented on the speeches delivered by the distinguished guests with his focus on “the life of hotel design.”   The“Purple·Orange" Design Theme Salon concluded with a speech titled “The application and Discussion of Modern Hardware Technology in Hotels”delivered by H?fele Design Center director Zhou Huixian.
  2016年3月27日晚,《酒店精品》设计大咖春季Idea秀在德国海福乐五金颇有设计格调的上海展厅拉开帷幕。这次活动通过《酒店精品》执行主编王杨对美国HBA董事合伙人兼Studio HBA中国主事人李鹰与英国G.A Design中国区董事金瀛这两位重量级嘉宾的访谈,呈现了一场兼具理性与感性的思想盛宴。
  李鹰首先以最新开业的福州希尔顿花园酒店为实例,揭开中端城市酒店设计的神秘面纱,接着,金瀛向在场听众展示了G.A Design设计的马来西亚兰卡威瑞吉度假酒店与摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡四季酒店,并阐述度假酒店的设计需要结合当地文化背景、使酒店真正融入当地氛围的主旨发言。
  Hotel Designer Spring Idea Show
  The Hotel Design Hotshot Spring Idea Show raised its curtain in the stylish exhibition hall of German H?fele Hardware in Shanghai. Tracy Wang, editor-in-chief of the Hotel Elite magazine, interviewed two heavyweight guests, Lee Ying, Managing Partner and China Principal of Studio HBA, and Jin Ying, China District Director of British G.A Design, presenting the audience with a sensational thought feast.
  Firstly, Lee Ying took new Hilton Garden Inn in Fuzhou as an example to unveil the mystery of hotel design in mid-range cities. Next, Jin Ying showed audience the St. Regis Langkawi Resort Hotel in Malaysia and Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca in Morocco designed by G.A Design, elaborating that a good hotel design shall consider the local culture to really blend into the local atmosphere.
  After the above interview, Wang Yi, publisher of the Hotel Elite magazine and chairman of the 345 Hotel Design Group said: “At present, the Chinese hotel market is moving towards the Mid-Scale hotel segment and we should keep pace with this trend. It is not a must to standardize the design of Mid-Scale hotel, since it needs to develop to a more excellent level. Through the process of resort hotel design, we shall have a deep understanding of hotel culture, otherwise the design work will lose its soul.”
  The First Unit of the "Wang Yi Talks About Design"Advanced Seminar Series Came to a Successful End in Shanghai
  2016年3月25日—27日,“王奕讲设计”高级研修系列课程的第一单元在上海励业公社连开三天,圆满结束。此次上海课程研修班在华住集团帮助下,举办场地极具现代感。王奕老师不仅亲自授课,而且安排全班同学参观体验经典酒店设计作品,参加《酒店精品》杂志邀请美国HBA Studio公司中国主事人兼设计总监和GA Design中国区设计总监举办的设计大咖访谈会,参加《酒店精品》杂志邀请的美国Studio HBA公司中国主事人李鹰和英国G.A Design中国区董事金灜举办的设计大咖访谈会,内容充实,令人难忘。
  王奕老师的设计课程独辟蹊径,理论直切实践,而且鼓励学员亲自参与课上实例训练,上台分享个人思路。最后,全班学员交出了一份满意的作业:《上海美居酒店首层公共区域室内设计方案》,成为三天课程的实例教学成果。   “王奕讲设计”高级研修系列课程还有三个单元,今年内将于杭州、北京、厦门三地继续开讲。咨询报名电话:010-64706107,联系人:王乐乐。
  On March 25-27, 2016, the first unit of the "Wang Yi Talks About Design" Advanced Seminar Series took place in LiYeah Commune in Shanghai. With the help of Huazhu Hotel Group, the Advanced Seminar course was held in a very modern venue in Shanghai. Lecturer Wang Yi not only taught in person, but also arranged several most informative and truly memorable activities for the class, such as visiting hotels with classic designs, participating in the Designers' Forum held by the Hotel Elite magazine in which the China principal & design director of HBA Studio and the China Director of GA Design were interviewed.
  Lecturer Wang Yi has presented a truly unique design curriculum by putting theory into practice, and encouraged the students to participate in the practical training and share personal ideas on the stage. In the end, the whole class produced a satisfactory assignment, "Interior Design Plans for the Public Areas on the First Floor of Mercure Hotel Shanghai", which is the achievement of the the three-day course.
  There are three more units to come in the "Wang Yi Talks About Design" Advanced Seminar Series, and they will be held in Hangzhou, Beijing and Xiamen within this year.
Paris and Her Back Garden  巴黎,對我们来说已经不陌生了。我们知道到了这里该去哪些美术馆,逛哪几家时装店,到左岸喝杯咖啡,去品尝马卡龙;香榭丽舍大街的壮阔,逛得多了,也开始觉得稀松平常;艾菲尔铁塔、塞纳河、凯旋门、凡尔赛宫对我们来说好像也不能引起特别的兴趣了;曾经,巴黎街头的露天咖啡馆击中过我们那颗向往文艺与格调的心,但现在,也已经开始显得普遍而了无新意。在走过数遍旺多姆
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An Eclectic Style of Rooms & Suites – The Beauty of Harmony  巴黎諾林斯基酒店位于歌剧院大街16号,由一栋临街的六层公寓改建而来。出酒店门,向左走700米是卢浮宫,向右走850米是折衷主义建筑登峰造极的巴黎歌剧院。囊括全球时尚品牌的购物新坐标圣奥诺雷街(香榭丽舍大街租金太过昂贵,众多精品店搬家至此)更近,只隔了一条街。客人住在这里,仿佛出
Accor Hotels keeps spreading its wings with Banyan Tree deal  12月8日,新加坡悅榕集团宣布与雅高酒店集团达成战略合作协议,至此,雅高集团将以2400万新元的价格(约1690万美元)收购悦榕集团5%的股权,以强制性可转换债券的形式支付,此外,雅高还拥有收购额外5%股权的选择权。  交易完成后,悦榕集团将接入雅高全球预定和销售网,以及雅高
Traditional French or Brief Modern  从巴黎雅典娜广场酒店和巴黎文华东方酒店的設计中我们可以看到,设计师们都立足于传统而后建立现代化设计,在融合传统风格的同时也体现了当代的简约时尚。在巴黎这座历史悠久的城市中,展现法国人热情浪漫的传统法式奢华随处可见,在酒店里却又融合了时尚的当代简约。  From Hotel Plaza Athenee Paris and Man
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‘Contemporary oasis’ of Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay  君悦酒店集团在海南省建立了一个当代渔村版海棠湾君悦度假村。由LTW设计公司受托设计公共区域,客房和套房,并参与设计酒店中的水疗中心和24小时餐厅,采用全景海景设计让您一览无际的白色沙滩。  受到当地特色的船屋社区的启发,酒店以开发当代渔村为建筑理念基础,LTW公司建造的绿洲唤起了海南不同民