1.适合湖泊养殖的鱼类主要有哪些? 答:我国多数小型湖泊天然饵料比较丰富,其中尤以浮游生物量和有机碎屑量较多,水生植物和底栖生物量则较少。因此,湖泊养鱼绝大多数均选择以浮游生物为饵的鲢、鳙作主体养殖对象,适量搭配青、鲤、鳊、鲂、鲫、白鲫、
1. What are the main suitable fish for lakes breeding? A: Most of the small lakes in China are rich in natural food, especially the amount of plankton and organic detritus are more, and the number of aquatic plants and benthic organisms is less. Therefore, the vast majority of fish ponds are selected to plankton for the bait silver carp, as the main object of aquaculture, suitable amount of green, common carp, 鳊, 鲂, crucian carp, white carp,