时代发展至今,新的技术、新的意识形态、新的审美价值观和新的文化内涵带来了建筑设计与理论百花齐放、百家争鸣的盛世。一些设计师从哲学、语言学以及高技术、传统、乡土等方面寻找出发点,而另一些深受第一代现代主义大师影响的设计师,仍不愿过多沉缅于装饰与历史,在传统现代主义的基础上,将功能与造型进行更好地结合。理查德·迈耶(Richard Meier,1934—)便是其中的一位。
From the development of the times, new technologies, new ideologies, new aesthetic values and new cultural connotations have brought about the flourishing prosperity of architectural design and theory and the contending of a hundred schools of thought. Some designers look for starting points in philosophy, linguistics, high-tech, tradition, and rural areas, while others, influenced by first-generation masters of modernism, are still reluctant to sink too much in decoration and history. Based on modernism, the function and shape are better combined. One of them is Richard Meier (1934-).