INFO CHINA 2005领导与专家共话信息化

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9月22日,以“推动农业信息化,构建和谐社会”为主题的2005中国信息化推进大会在北京国际会议中心隆重召开。中 共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊给大会发来贺信。本次大会由国务院信息化工作办公室、农业部、信息产业部、国家信 息化专家咨询委员会共同主办,中国电子信息产业发展研究院中国计算机报社承办。农业部部长杜青林,国务院信息化工作 办公室主任、信息产业部部长王旭东出席了高峰论坛并发表演讲。参加本次大会的还有各级政府官员、企业界、工商界人士 以及著名专家学者3000多人次。 作为业内高规格、高级别的信息化应用交流盛会,中国信息化推进大会2004年首次举办,今年是第二届。此次大会为期 两天,除举办主题高峰论坛外,还分别举办了包括专家、农业、电子政务、企业、教育、金融、交通、医疗、能源、IT 服务管理、中 国信息化行业现状与需求分析报告发布11个分论坛,政府官员、著名专家学者、行业代表以及企业界工商界人士就各自领 域进行了充分的阐述和交流,展现信息化应用成果,探讨解决当前信息化工作出现的实际问题,共同为中国信息化推进工作 献计献策。 演讲嘉宾从宏观政策角度,结合中国信息化建设现状及企业实施信息化工程存在的问题发表了精彩的演讲,准确生动 地为与会者分析了信息化推进工程相关情况。本刊记者汇集重要观点以飨读者。 On September 22, 2005 China Information Promotion Conference with the theme of “promoting agricultural informatization and building a harmonious society” was held at Beijing International Convention Center. Huang Ju, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, sent a congratulatory message to the General Assembly. This conference is jointly sponsored by the State Council Informatization Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Information Industry, and the National Informatization Expert Advisory Committee. China Computer Newspaper is under the auspices of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute. Du Qinglin, Minister of Agriculture, Director of Information Office of State Council and Wang Xudong, Minister of Information Industry attended the summit and delivered speeches. There are also more than 3,000 government officials, business people, business people and renowned experts and scholars attending the conference. As the industry’s high-profile, high-level information application exchange event, China’s information technology promotion conference was first held in 2004, this year is the second. The two-day conference was held in addition to the theme summit forum. In addition to organizing the theme summit forum, the conference also held presentations and needs analyzes of experts in various fields such as experts, agriculture, e-government, enterprises, education, finance, transportation, healthcare, energy and IT services management, The report released 11 sub-forums, government officials, famous experts and scholars, industry representatives and business people in business circles in their respective fields have fully elaborated and exchanged information on the application of the results show to explore the current problems of information technology to solve practical problems, Together for the promotion of information technology in China offer advice and suggestions. Speakers from the macro-policy point of view, combined with the status quo of China’s information construction and enterprise implementation of information technology projects made a wonderful speech, accurately and vividly for participants to analyze the information on the promotion of the project. Our correspondents bring together important points to readers.
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