Animation This intense vitality boom gradually swept the world, animation early in Japan, but the animation is a stranger to Japan. Japanese Man has its own unique and distinctive cultural features, there we now can be seen on the network “second element ” in the second disease “” Meng sister “” cure "such super Symbolic representation of cartoon language. The reason why Japanese anime is unique in the world as a separate block depends largely on the influence of their native cultures and the pervading vitality and emotions of emotions infused with animations, An industry to develop, at the same time that an animation success depends largely on the role of the character image of the shape, in the long-term exposure to such animation process, will make people become more cherished around the good, forming a simple fresh optimism attitude. It is also a kind of cultural work that people came into in pursuit of their inner sustenance, and this culture will be covered in many fields including animation, music, culture and film and television.