According to the decision of the Standing Committee of China Aerospace Society, a robotic committee was set up in Harbin on August 20, 1988. The professional committee consists of Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, North Steel Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Automation, Shenyang Automation, Machinery Industry Automation, Shanghai Instrument Factory, the first automobile factory, Nanjing Automobile Factory, Star Machine Factory, Fenghua Machinery Factory, Aerospace Department of a hospital, two homes, five homes and other 26 units in the country engaged in robotics experts a total of 28 members, linked to Harbin Institute of Technology. Chairman of the Harbin Institute of Robotics, Professor Wu Lin served as director. Vice chairman Li Jianzhong, Yu Tatta, Tan Lung three experts. At the inaugural meeting of the first committee, members confirmed