The ’Est ’Est West (Continued) 最最西边(下)

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  V.M.希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名的儿童教育家、科普作家 ,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的世界地理》。
  Between Oregon and Washington is a river named Columbia, after Columbus. In the Columbia River are large fish called salmon. Salmon live in the salt ocean, but when Mrs Salmon wants to lay her eggs she goes way up the Columbia River, far above the falls to fresh water, looking for a quiet place to do so. How can she get by the falls?
  She jumps the falls. You may wonder how fish without legs can jump at all, and it is peculiar that they can, but they do. They bend their tails into a kind of spring, then flip!—up they go; for a salmon can jump as high as the Washington Monument.
  Millions of salmon together called “schools” swim up the river and fishermen catch them in nets, but they leave most of them so that they can lay eggs from which little salmon are born, and the little salmon swim down the river and out into the ocean, where they live and grow up until it comes time for them also to lay eggs, and then they in their turn swim up the river, jump up the falls, and are either caught or left to raise more families of little salmon. Salmon meat is pink; we call it salmon color. It is packed in cans. You have probably eaten salmon from the Columbia River yourself.
  The oldest fruit in the World is the apple. It is the fruit that grew in the Garden of Eden, but people believe the apple that Eve gave Adam was a very poor one compared to the apples that grow in the State of Washington. People in Washington,DC—all the way across the country—buy apples that have been shipped from Washington State—3,000 miles away—for they are so much better than ordinary apples.
  世界上历史最悠久的水果是苹果。因为在圣经故事里面,最初的人类亚当和夏娃生活的伊甸园里,就有苹果生长。不过今天的人们相信,夏娃给亚当吃的那个苹果,一定远远比不上华盛顿州出产的苹果。请注意,我这里说的华盛顿州在美国的西部。而美国政府所在的地方,叫华盛顿特区,在美国的东部。这两个华盛顿之间相隔3000英里呢。居住在华盛顿特区的人们,或者居住在其他州的人们,都喜欢买华盛顿州的苹果来吃。原因很简单,因为那儿的苹果比其他地方的苹果好吃得多。   There are great forests in Washington and Oregon. The forest trees are cut down to make lumber for building houses; and the paper I am writing on was made from trees that grew in Oregon. How do I know that? When I hold the paper up to the light, there is printed in white—we call it a watermark—the word “Oregon”.
  Word Study
  salmon /'s?m?n/ n. 鲑鱼;鲑鱼肉;大马哈鱼;三文鱼
  peculiar /p?'kju?li?(r)/ adj. 怪异的;奇怪的;不寻常的
  For some peculiar reason, she refused to come inside.
  flip /fl?p/ v.(使)快速翻转,迅速翻动;轻弹,轻抛; 按(开关)
  They flipped a coin to decide who would get the ticket.
  can /k?n/ n.(盛食品或饮料的)金属罐
  lumber /'l?mb?(r)/ n.  木材;废旧家具;不用的大件物品
  At the northwest corner of America is a large country that belongs to the United States. It is Alaska. The highest mountain in North America is there. It is called Mount McKinley. Alaska is so cold, so far off, and so hard to get to, and yet the United States bought it and paid millions of dollars for it, not because it had the highest mountain, but chiefly because of the fish in its waters and the fur on its animals, and then one day gold was discovered there.
  Gold is a magic word. Again, as in the days of the Forty-niners, thousands of people, when they heard of the gold, left everything and, with nothing but shovels to dig the gold and sieves to strain it out of the water, started off to that far-away place, hoping to make their fortunes before the new year. Many foolishly went off with nothing to live on after they reached Alaska. They didn’t seem to know that where the gold was to be found there was no food, nothing to eat, and no stores where one could buy food. Others, more wise, carried cans of food with them, and when the foolish gold-diggers had found gold, the wise ones sold them food for their gold.
  For a can of beans they often asked hundreds of times what it had cost, and the foolish gold-diggers had to pay it or starve, for they couldn’t eat gold and they had to eat or die. So the wise ones came back with the gold which the foolish ones had dug, and the foolish ones were lucky to get back at all.
  你看看美国地图,西北角有一大片属于美国的地方,有个叫阿拉斯加的地方。(1959年,阿拉斯加正式成为美国第49个州。作者写作此书时,阿拉斯加还没有正式成为美国的一个州——译者注)阿拉斯加有北美洲最高的山——麦金利山。阿拉斯加非常寒冷,又那么远,要去一趟可不容易。这个州本来不属于美国,是南北战争后期美國人花了数百万美元从俄国人手里买下的。买下阿拉斯加不是因为这里的高山,而是因为这里丰富的物产。阿拉斯加河流众多,鱼类资源非常丰富,而广袤的大地上还有各种寒带动物。这些动物的皮毛也是重要的经济物资。再往后,人们更是在阿拉斯加发现了金矿。这些因素使得阿拉斯加成为美国非常重要的一个州。   金子,这个神奇的词再一次召唤着人们从美国各地拥入阿拉斯加。就像当年加利福尼亚州的淘金潮一样,人们蜂拥着跑向阿拉斯加。成千上万人扔下一切,只带上一把铲子、一个筛子,怀揣挖到金子发大财的梦想就来到了遥远寒冷的阿拉斯加。可是,就好像圣经故事里说的带了灯却忘了灯油的傻女孩一样,不少被发财的美梦冲昏了头脑的淘金客也犯了同样错误:他们只想到带上挖金子的工具,却忘记了带生存必需品。他们似乎没有想到,能挖到金子的地方一定是人迹罕至的地方。这种地方可没有商店,也不可能找到吃的东西。有一些聪明的人,带了罐头食品来到阿拉斯加,于是有趣的事就发生了。在富饶的阿拉斯加,金子也许并不难找到,可是当那些没带食物的淘金者饿得头昏眼花的时候,他们只好用自己千辛万苦找到的金子向有食物的人买罐头吃。
  In the parts of Alaska where fish can be caught for food, Indians live in small villages. In the center of each village they put up a tall pole carved and painted in the forms of birds and animals with big ugly faces. These are called Totem Poles. Each tribe or family has some bird or animal such as an eagle or a bear for its mascot, as you might call your club “the Lions” or “the Owls,” and the Totem Pole is the tribe’s sign.
  If you should suddenly see at night the whole northern sky hung with curtains of fire and ablaze with flashing flames shooting from the ground far up into the heavens, you might think, as I did the first time I saw it when a boy, that the World was coming to an end. It looked as if the World were on fire and were about to explode. This amazing sight is called the Aurora Borealis or Northern Light, and it may be seen often in Alaska and sometimes, though perhaps only once or twice in a lifetime, much farther south. It is a terrifying sight to those who have never seen or even heard of such a thing before, and yet the Aurora Borealis does no more harm than a beautiful sunset or a rainbow in the sky.
  Word Study
  shovel /'??vl/ n. 铲;铁铲;铲状物; v. 铲;铲起
  The children took their pails and shovels to the beach.
  sieve /s?v/ v. 筛;过筛;滤  n. 滤器;筛子;
  You’ll need to sieve out the stones from the soil.
  strain /stre?n/ v. 尽力;竭力;使劲;用力推(或拉);拉紧
  The dogs were straining at the leash, eager to get to the park.
  tribe /tra?b/ n. 部落;一伙(人),一帮(人);群,族
  mascot /'m?sk?t/ n. 吉祥物
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V. M. 希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》。  If your name were Andrea, and if your father were a tailor, and if you
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V. M. 希利爾(1875—1931),美国著名的儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》。  Have you a bicycle? Where I used to live, most boys had bicycles. We u
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