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During the production of petroleum and gas a by-product, known as congenital water, is obtained, which varies in composition depending on the geological formati
The accelerated eutrophication of the world’s freshwater and marine ecosystems is a complex problem that results in decreased productivity, loss of biodiversit
In Ayapel floodplain periphyton associated to macrophyte roots on the basis of material was collected in fourteen sampling sites in nine moments of compilation.
[摘要]医改后,医院经济管理更是一项复杂的工程,所以提高与完善医院的经济管理也绝非一朝一夕之事。今后医院的发展。首先要确立新的优先发展战略,转变传统服务观念;其次要强化医院管理,提高运营效率;再次要调整服务结构,发展特色医疗;最后要实施成本管理。  [关键词]医改;医院经济管理;问题探析;对策  [中图分类号]R197  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1005-6432(2009)48-0009
This study examines the relationship between childhood exposure to air pollution and diagnosis with chronic non-respiratory health outcomes in adulthood. This p
Indiscriminate disposal of solid waste in dumpsites located within urban areas has proved to be a problem to nearby residents in most developing cities of the w
《半月谈内部版》有一篇文章,提出要“警惕‘提名权’背后的交易”。文章说到抚顺市原市委书记周银校的“卖官”行径:“在周银校的5次‘卖官’行动中,有2次在他答应行贿者后,找到了当时正担任市委组织部常务副部长的徐兴中,利用自己的‘提名权’予以推荐。”此处所谓的“提名权”,确实大有讲究。  任用干部,市委书记是否可有“提名权”,我想是可以的,不仅是市委书记,就是市委领导班子的其他成员,该市的一般干部,以