目的 :探讨急性脑卒中头颅CT表现与预后的关系。方法 :160例急性脑卒中患者发病 48h内作头颅CT检查 ,根据脑卒中临床神经功能缺损程度评分标准评价病变程度及疾病恢复状态 ,分析CT表现与预后关系。结果 :CT表现为大面积梗死、中线移位、脑出血破入脑室者死亡率明显升高 ,松果体移位者有早期死亡可能。结论 :急性脑卒中早期头颅CT表现可预测患者预后 ,并用于指导治疗。
Objective: To investigate the relationship between CT appearance and prognosis in acute stroke. Methods: A total of 160 acute stroke patients underwent craniocerebral CT within 48 hours after their onset. The severity of the disease and the state of disease recovery were evaluated according to the criteria of clinical neurological deficit in stroke. The relationship between CT findings and prognosis was analyzed. Results: CT showed a large area of infarction, midline shift, cerebral hemorrhage into the ventricle significantly increased mortality, pineal displacement may have early death. Conclusion: Early CT scan of acute stroke can predict the prognosis of patients and is used to guide the treatment.