It Was Nice Getting to Know You

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  I chanced upon Jin Yong’s The Book and the Sword on my way to the Yellow Mountain. It was late September in 1981. I was traveling with several classmates from college. A young couple was sitting in front of us. The guy was so absorbed in reading a book that he totally ignored his girlfriend. I became curious, and stood up to peek at what he was reading.
  Back in school, a classmate thrust a book into my hand. It was the first part of The Book and the Sword. I was so impressed by the engaging style of the language that I couldn’t wait to read the second part of the novel. It was such a shame that, as a college student
  majoring in Chinese literature, I had had no idea about Jin Yong and his works. I finished the reading within two days, regretting not having known the author earlier.
盧敦基和金庸合影(卢敦基提供)Jin Yong and Lu Dunji

  My first encounter with Jin Yong was just like my discovery of The Book and the Sword. On April 4, 1997, I took part in the opening ceremony of the Louis Cha Scholarship newly set up for the Chinese Department of Zhejiang University, representing the school t o make a greeting speech. At the meeting held in the afternoon at the Hangzhou Botanical Garden, I plucked up my courage and took the chance to ask questions. Two years later, when I was reaching the finish line of the writing of my essay, titled On Louis Cha’s Novels, I realized how much I had been inspired by his candid answers on that sunny day.
The cover des ign of The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber, one of the Condor Trilogy, published in 1961

  I became one of the doctoral students of Jin Yong in 2003. Over the years, he was in Hangzhou many times to fulfill his teaching duties at the Faculty of Humanities of Zhejiang University. He’d arrange a meeting with us in the hotel lobby after taking a solid nap. We’d spend a couple hours, chatting about everything from our daily life to current affairs. He read our thesis proposal carefully and spent a lot of time writing comments.   When we met again at a hotel in downtown Hong Kong in the winter of 2011, I noticed his health was waning, although his thoughts were still sharp and his words witty.
  Whenever I try to express how lucky I feel about getting to know such a great man, my words fail. The more I read his works, the more I admire his charisma. Over the years, I developed my own cognition and understanding of Jin Yong both as a wuxia novelist and as a person. His wuxia novels have a widespread following in Chinese communities worldwide, earning him a reputation as one of the greatest and most popular wuxia writers ever. He was the best-selling Chinese author. According to The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature, Jin Yong's novels are considered to be of very high quality and are able to appeal to both highbrow and lowbrow tastes. Chinese nationalism or patriotism is a strong theme in Cha's works. In most of his works, Cha places emphasis on the idea of self-determination and identity. He expresses a fierce admiration for positive traits of the Chinese people. His works have the unusual ability to transcend geographical and ideological barriers separating Chinese communities of the world, achieving a greater success than any other contemporary writer.
  The study of Cha's works has spun off a specific area of study and discussion: Jinology. For years, readers and critics have written works discussing, debating and analyzing his fictional world of martial arts. While some praised the engaging literary style of his wuxia creation, others dismissed his works as “unrealistic”. Despite all these varied opinions, his accomplishments as a writer out-distance any attempt at evaluation.
过年过节都要请客吃饭。吃饭主要是吃家乡味道。我家乡常山的味道,主要基调就是个辣。辣味当道,席卷海内外,在此大背景下,常山的辣依然独具神韵,独领风骚。何也?  我以为:川之辣,在麻;鄂之辣,在干;赣之辣,在香;湘之辣,在烈;云贵之辣,在酸;东北之辣,在辛。而常山之辣,主要在鲜。  常山游子遍布全球,每当春节运动会哨子一响,一个个便急吼吼奔赴归乡之途,舟车劳顿,星夜兼程,仆仆风尘中遥望见县城中央那一座
百年越音,古城傳韵。10月12日至28日,由文化和旅游部、浙江省人民政府共同主办的第四届中国越剧艺术节在绍兴举行。新编越剧《王阳明》等24台精选优秀剧目精彩上演。同时,100场演出进乡村、进社区、进校园。  2006年越剧百年诞辰之际,绍兴成功举办了首届中国越剧艺术节。12年来,中国越剧艺术节对越剧艺术的交流合作、传承发展,产生了积极推动作用和深远的社会影响。  (干婧 柯殷琪)  The 4th
今天夏天,16岁的邢邑青出了温州苍南火车站后,又坐了一个半小时汽车才到达泰顺,再经过蜿蜒的山道,来到翁山社区梨垟村。  层峦叠嶂,绿树成阴,他站在听得到鸟鸣、推窗就是群山的“翁山书院”讲台上,看着眼前的同龄人,感觉像一场梦一样。  几天前,他还在美国,刚刚在南加州大学完成了为期一个月的夏季表演课程,和同学排练了莎士比亚的戏剧《仲夏夜之梦》。没想到,几天之后,他回到家乡浙江,竟能为大山里20多个孩子
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