九市(北京、上海、哈尔滨、西安、南京、武汉、广州、福州、昆明)儿童生长速率监测学术会议于1989年2月24~27日在天津召开.参加会议的有:首都儿科研究所生理室生长发育监测课题负责人、九市执行课题业务和行政负责人、各市妇幼处负责人、卫生部妇幼司儿童处处长张焕春、中华预防医学会妇幼保健学会副主任委员薛沁冰及北京、武汉和天津的妇幼处处长等34人,另有列席代表10余人. 会议宣读论文9篇,专题报告3篇,主要内容是总结九市儿童生后第一年生长速率
The academic meeting on children’s growth rate monitoring in nine cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Xi’an, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Fuzhou and Kunming) was held in Tianjin from February 24 to February 27, 1989. The meeting included: Director of Children’s and Children’s Affairs Department of Ministry of Health Zhang Huanchun, Director of Children’s Division of Women and Children Department of Ministry of Health, Xue Qinbing, Vice Chairman of Maternal and Child Health Institute of Chinese Preventive Medicine Society, Wuhan and Tianjin 34 women and children director, and the other on behalf of more than 10. The conference read 9 papers, thematic reports 3, the main content is to sum up the growth rate of children in nine cities after the first year of life