从而立到不惑,乔健在人力资源岗位干了十多年。从联想并购IBM PC业务,到2014年初并购IBM的X86服务器业务和摩托罗拉移动业务,世界各地的人才涌入联想,对于曾经不会说英语的乔健来说,如今已是驾轻就熟,她重新定义了人力资源在联想国际化道路上的作用。对于中国商业社会正在面临的大变革,乔健有自己的想法。中国经济已经进入了新阶段,“双发动机”将成为我国经济发展的重要引擎,一方面要大力发展战略性新兴产业,加大力度支持新技术、新
Thus set to not doubts, Qiao Jian in human resources positions for more than 10 years. From Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM PC business to the merger of IBM’s X86 server business and Motorola’s mobile business in early 2014, talent from around the world is pouring into Lenovo, and Qiao Jian, who once did not speak English, is adept at redefining her The Role of Human Resources in the Internationalization of Lenovo. Qiao Jian has his own ideas about the great changes that China’s business community is facing. China’s economy has entered a new phase. “Double engines” will become an important engine for China’s economic development. On the one hand, we must vigorously develop strategic emerging industries and step up efforts to support new technologies and new industries