1999年头 9个月 ,俄海港约运输了 550 0万吨干燥货物 ,同比增加 3 0 .2 %。俄 43个海港中有 3 9个海港增加了干燥货物的运输量。经俄出口港终点站运输的液体货物超过50 0 0万吨。俄罗斯海港运输量同比增加30.2%
In the first nine months of 1999, Russia’s seaport transported 55.0 million tons of dry cargo, a year-on-year increase of 30.2%. 39 of Russia’s 43 seaports have increased the volume of dry cargo. The shipment of liquid cargo through the terminal of Russian export port exceeded 5 million tons. Russian seaport traffic increased by 30.2%