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目的 采用宁夏黄河淡水养殖的鱼角膜行人眼的角膜移植术进行临床治疗。方法 在无菌操作下,摘除鲜活鱼的眼球,常规钻切所需植片,按常规角膜移植手术步骤进行穿透性和板层移植。结果 随访6~84mo,穿透性移植2眼,其中1眼为单疱病毒性角膜炎所致特大瘘,植片愈合良好,完全混浊,色灰白,视力无光感,但免除了眼球摘除。另一角膜穿通伤致角膜部分缺损经移植后,植片成活,保持透明,视力由术前的眼前手动增进到0.5。板层移植9例9眼,5例复发性翼状胬肉,4例植片愈合完好、透明,1例植片自溶,形成斑翳,胬肉均再未复发。3例边缘性角膜溃疡穿孔移植片愈合,穿孔治愈。1例石灰烧伤后全角膜血管翳移植片成活,微混,视力由术前0.05增进到0.4。结论 在无同种角膜材料情况下,鱼角膜可在临床应用。 Objective To observe the corneal transplantation of fish cornea peephysis in Ningxia Yellow River freshwater aquaculture for clinical treatment. Methods Under the sterile operation, the eyes of fresh fish were removed, and the required implants were cut by conventional drilling. The penetrating and lamellar transplants were performed according to the routine corneal transplantation procedures. Results The patients were followed up for 6 ~ 84 months. There were 2 penetrating transplants. Among them, 1 was severe fistula caused by herpes simplex keratitis. The hematoma was well healed, completely cloudy, grayish gray and no visual acuity. Another corneal penetrating injury caused by partial corneal defects after transplantation, the graft survival, remain transparent, visual acuity by manual pre-surgery increased to 0.5. In 9 cases, there were 9 cases of platelet transplants and 5 cases of recurrent pterygium. 4 cases of hemorrhage were intact, transparent and 1 case of autolysis. The plaques formed no recurrence of pterygium. 3 cases of marginal corneal ulcer perforation healed, perforation cured. One case of whole-blood corneal graft of lime burned survival, micro-mixed, visual acuity improved from preoperative 0.05 to 0.4. Conclusion In the absence of all kinds of corneal materials, fish cornea can be used clinically.
目的 研究mdrl 基因表达与临床化疗的关系。方法 选择44 例白血病患者和5 例正常对照者,运用RTPCR方法检测mdrl 基因表达,同时评估患者对化疗的反应。结果 白血病患者初治组mdrl 阳性表达率为78.9%
目的 通过对输血病历质量评估,发现临床输血工作中存在的问题.方法 对200份输血病历按照《临床输血技术规范》,《临床用血管理办法》进行评估和分析.结果 输血病历评估合格率
目的 探讨经典多药耐药(MDR1) 在成人难治型急性髓细胞白血病(AML) 细胞表面的表达及其预后意义。方法 采用流式细胞仪间接免疫荧光技术及抗P- 糖蛋白(Pgp) 单克隆体UIC2 检测23 例难治型AML 患者Pgp 的表
目的 考察高压氧(HBO)治疗CO中毒迟发性脑病的效果.方法 2012年8月至2013年7月间我院收治的35例病历资料齐全的DEACMP患者.对其基本情况、治疗过程及结果进行总结.结果 治愈1
用冷冻法建立家兔角膜内皮损伤的动物模型。将直径为 8mm的铜探头置于液氮中数秒后取出 ,待探头温度显示在 - 12 0℃时将其垂直放于兔角膜中央表面分别接触 5s和 15s。结果显
视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma,RB)是婴幼儿较常见的眼部恶性肿瘤,早期往往不引起家长注意,至青光眼期方来就诊。我们遇到2例低眼压性视网膜母细胞瘤患儿,报告如下。1 临床