在竞争日益全球化的今天,企业之间的战略合作已经成为一种博弈。近日,联通赴美国与苹果公司洽谈引入iPhone5的谈判团队已经回到国内,参与谈判的联通高层称此行很顺利。从引入iPhone 3GS版到iPhone 4,对于联通与苹果的多次合作业内有很多不同的声音。联通是委曲求全还是失利造势,又或是名利双收,目前均有待考量。但是,仅凭联通在占有绝对优势的外资企业面前的果敢、智慧和自信就值得工程机械企业学习与借鉴。
In the increasingly global competition today, the strategic cooperation among enterprises has become a game. Recently, China Unicom went to the United States and Apple to negotiate the introduction of iPhone5 negotiation team has returned to China, involved in the negotiations, said the high level of China Unicom is going well. From introducing iPhone 3GS version to iPhone 4, there are many different voices in the industry for multiple cooperation between Unicom and Apple. Unicom is perfect or failure defeat or fame and fortune, are currently to be considered. However, China Unicom alone has the absolute advantage in front of foreign-owned enterprises courage, wisdom and self-confidence worth to learn from the construction machinery business and learn from.