NBA休赛期本来就是球迷们最为枯燥乏味的时段,可是在201 1年劳资协议破裂停摆开始后就更加祸不单行了。保罗还在考虑到底是回维克森林大学继续深造还是去往海外联赛淘金,罗斯已经开始了在洛杉矶德鲁联赛保持状态,皮尔斯则开始了他另一副业扑克世界锦标赛,而科比呢?这位NBA超级巨星则在这段时期开始了他近几年休赛期的必修课——“科比中国行”。在辽宁沈阳,科比开始了他中国行的第一站,套用宋丹丹的一句话:“那真是彩旗招展,人山人海啊。”在与球迷互动的过程中,科比看到了远处打着自己两个女儿纳塔利亚和吉娜名字的海报,高兴地把自己的球鞋脱给了举牌子的两位女生。顿时,她们的周围投来了无数羡慕的眼光。“肯定会好好保护起
NBA offseason has always been the most boring period for fans, but in 201 1 after the beginning of the collapse of the collective bargaining agreement even worse. Paul is still thinking about whether returning to Wake Forest University to go further or to overseas league gold rush, Rose has begun to maintain the state of Drew League in Los Angeles, Pierce began his another sideline poker world championship, and Bryant? NBA superstar is in this period began his mandatory offseason in recent years - ”Bryant China trip.“ In Shenyang, Liaoning, Kobe Bryant began his first stop in China, applying Song Dandan’s words: ”That’s really a colorful flag.“ In the process of interacting with fans, Bryant saw himself in the distance A poster of the names of her daughters Natalia and Gina, happy to take off their shoes to the two girls holding the sign. Suddenly, they cast countless envious eyes around. ”Will definitely protect well