Experimental Study of Material Removal Process of Fused Silica Glass Using MR Jet Polishing System

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swzzhn01
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Recently,there has been an investigation of polishing processes that has considered new ultra-precision polishing technology for micro parts and optical parts such as those with aspheric and complex shapes.One suitable means of polishing complex shapes is to use a jet of abrasive fluid.However,aerodynamic disturbances and radial spreading are generated by the unstable polishing process of the jet on the surface of the workpiece when it is being polished.A method of jet stabilization has been proposed in which the original nozzle form of a jet of magnetorheological(MR)fluid contains abrasive particles that are magnetized using a magnetic.This paper details the design of an MR jet polishing system that uses an electromagnet,a nozzle,and a hydraulic unit to stabilize a slurry jet based on MR fluid,Second,for silica glass,the polishing spot and section profile are analyzed and the effect of the MR fluid jet polishing process is evaluated.The results of the experiment show that the removal profile is W-shaped and that,in this case,a stable can be proof of a distance of several tens of millimeters from the nozzle.Such results show the possibility of applying the proposed polishing method using MR fluids in ultra-precision micro and optical parts production processes.MR jet polishing shows great potential for use as a new type of precision surface polishing technology.In particular,this is a highly valuable process for the polishing of complex shapes such as micro parts,concaves parts,and cavities. Recently, there has been investigated for polishing processes that have new ultra-precision polishing technology for micro parts and optical parts such as with aspheric and complex shapes. One suitable means of polishing complex shapes is to use a jet of abrasive fluid. However, aerodynamic disturbances and radial spreading are generated by the unstable polishing process of the jet on the surface of the workpiece when it is being polished. A method of jet stabilization has been proposed in which the original nozzle form of a jet of magnetorheological (MR ) fluid contains abrasive particles that are magnetized using a magnetic. This paper details the design of an MR jet polishing system that uses an electromagnet, a nozzle, and a hydraulic unit to stabilize a slurry jet based on MR fluid, Second, for silica glass , the polishing spot and section profile are analyzed and the effect of the MR fluid jet polishing process is evaluated. The results of the experiment show that the removal profile is W-shaped and that, in this case, a stable can be proof of a distance of several tens of millimeters from the nozzle.Such results show the possibility of applying the proposed polishing method using MR fluids in ultra-precision micro and optical parts production processes. MR jet polishing shows great potential for use as a new type of precision surface polishing technology.In particular, this is a highly valuable process for the polishing of complex shapes such as micro parts, concaves parts, and cavities.
患女 ,2 6岁。以间断发热 ,咳嗽 4年 ,加重伴咯血 3 d之主诉入院。 4年前出现午后发热 ,咳嗽 ,咯黄粘痰 ,量多 ,经青霉素等治疗效果不佳 ,拍胸片诊断为肺结核 ,经 INH,RFP治
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