目的分析职业性急性碘甲烷中毒的原因、临床特点。方法总结本院收治的11例职业性急性碘甲烷中毒患者的临床表现、实验室检查结果、诊断与治疗情况,并结合现场职业卫生学资料进行综合分析。结果 11例患者有明确的碘甲烷接触史,临床表现为以意识障碍、小脑性共济失调、明显的精神症状及脑疝形成为主的急性中毒性脑病。结论急性碘甲烷中毒的脑水肿自小脑和胼胝体压部起始,最终发展成为脑疝。小脑性共济失调症状体征是其临床的特征表现。
Objective To analyze the causes and clinical features of occupational acute methyl iodide poisoning. Methods The clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnosis and treatment of 11 cases of occupational acute methyl iodide poisoning admitted to our hospital were summarized and analyzed comprehensively with the data of occupational hygiene on site. Results The 11 patients had a definite history of exposure to methyl iodide. The clinical manifestations were acute toxic encephalopathy with disturbance of consciousness, cerebellar ataxia, obvious psychiatric symptoms and hernia formation. Conclusions Acute methyl iodide poisoning of cerebral edema starts from the cerebellum and the corpus callosum and eventually develops into a herniated hernia. Signs and symptoms of cerebellar ataxia is its clinical features.