Forrest Run布鲁明顿是一座宁静的小城,适合单纯地学习和休闲地生活,这也是大多数普通美国人民生活的常态。但在我们长期以来形成的惯性思维中,大城市的车水马龙才是真正的美国生活,就如同有些美国人认为所有的中国人都行色匆匆地生活在北上广一样。我虽然喜欢安静,但也不得不承认,如果来了美国却没去大城市游玩过难免遗憾。因此,当学校专门组织了一趟芝加哥一日游时,我立刻积极报名参加。从布鲁明顿到芝加哥的车程为3个半小时,由于那个年长女导游完全不像国内旅行社的导游那样负责在车上讲笑话逗乐子,所
Forrest Run Bloomington is a quiet town, suitable for simple learning and leisure life, which is the normal life of most ordinary Americans. But in our long-established inertia, the rush of big cities is truly American life, just as some Americans think that all Chinese are hurriedly living in the north. Although I like quiet, but also have to admit that if I did not come to the United States to play in the big city inevitably regrettable. So when the school organized a one-day trip to Chicago, I immediately sign up for it. From Bloomington to Chicago by car for 3 and a half hours, as the older female tour guide is not as responsible as the domestic travel agency tour guide in the car funny joke,