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我国商业健康险已发展了30多年,至今仍然面临险种定位理念陈旧、市场规模拓展艰难、风险管控难度巨大和产品结构过于单一等发展瓶颈。互联网医疗时代的到来给健康险的发展带来了新的契机。2015年平安健康保险公司开始探索健康险O2O模式创新设想。该模式的创新之处在于彻底解决理赔失控问题,通过降低保费、提供差异化服务、吸引互联网医疗用户,最终真正实现健康险市场规模的突破。但保险公司的O2O模式创新也必将面临变革带来的挑战,如经营定位不明晰、盈利模式尚不明确、互联网医疗行业和传统保险行业的文化融合困难等。创新能否成功,尚待时日验证。 China’s commercial health insurance has been developing for more than 30 years and still faces the bottleneck of development such as outdated concept of positioning risks, difficult market expansion, great difficulty in risk control and too single product structure. The advent of the internet medical era has brought new opportunities for the development of health insurance. In 2015, Ping An Health Insurance Company started to explore innovative ideas on O2O mode of health insurance. The innovation of this model lies in thoroughly solving the uncontrolled claims settlement, and finally realizing the breakthrough of the scale of the health insurance market finally by reducing the premiums, providing differentiated services and attracting Internet medical users. However, the O2O model innovation of insurance companies is also bound to face the challenge brought by the change. For example, the business orientation is unclear, the profit model is not yet clear, and the cultural integration of the Internet medical industry and the traditional insurance industry is difficult. Innovation success, yet to be verified.
在西藏雅鲁藏布江和拉萨河上,人们时不时会看到一些皮制的土船,装载着几个人和一些货物,由船把式在船尾划着木桨渡河。这种前宽后窄、厚厚的形状怪异的船,就是西藏古老的牛皮船。  源远流长的传承历史  在西藏,有牛皮船出没的地方,主要在雅鲁藏布江中游宽谷拉孜到日喀则、曲水到泽当以及年楚河、拉萨河的一些地段,尤其在一些传统的渡口和游览区。在这些地方,尽管河流上已有机动船和大型的木船,但当地农牧民仍喜欢用自制