阅读教学中指导学生推敲词语,可以使学生通过具体的语言环境体会作者用词的准确性,从而加深对语言的理解。它是帮助学生深入领会课文内容不可缺少的阅读教学手段。词语推敲有哪些方法呢? 一、减还比较法被推敲的词语减掉与还原比较是最为常用的词语推敲法。这种方法适合于推敲句子中的修饰成分的词语。《桂林山水》一课中写道:“我看见过波澜壮阔的大海,欣赏过水平如镜的西湖,却从没见过漓江这样的水。”这个句子中的“波澜壮阔”、“水平如镜”是分别描述“大海”和“西湖”特点的,都是修饰成分。如果把这两个修饰成分减掉了,就成“我看见过大海,欣赏过西湖,却从没见过漓江这样的
Teaching students to guide the practice of reading words, can make students through the specific language environment experience the accuracy of the author's terms, so as to deepen the understanding of the language. It is to help students understand the contents of the text indispensable reading teaching methods. What method of word refinement? First, subtract the comparison method is to consider the reduction and reduction comparison is the most commonly used word evaluation method. This method is suitable for adhering to the words of the modifier in a sentence. “Guilin Landscape” wrote in a lesson: “I have seen the magnificent sea and admired the horizontal mirror of the West Lake, but I have never seen such a water of the Lijiang River.” In this sentence, “magnificent” and “horizontal mirror” Is to describe the “sea” and “West Lake” characteristics, are modified ingredients. If you subtract these two modified components, it becomes: "I have seen the sea, enjoyed the West Lake, but I have never seen such a Lijiang