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时下国产电视剧质量堪忧,明星的报酬奇高,总局想通过限制明星的片酬给影视公司分忧,进而让制作方有更多的经费用于提高影视剧的质量。这样的初衷不错。好的动机当然必要,至于效果如何,则需要时间验证。关键在于,为这个效果的实现,明星“限薪令”是否符合相关的法律,是否会削弱明星投身影视表演事业的积极性,进而让影视剧的质量更为滑坡,也不能不有所顾虑。就舆论的反响看,明星“限薪令”分歧不小。赞成者认为:“早该如此, Nowadays the quality of domestic TV series is worrying and the celebrity’s remuneration is extremely high. The SAIC wants to share the worries of movie and TV companies by limiting the pay of celebrities, which in turn allows the producers more funds to improve the quality of film and television plays. This original intention is good. Good motivation of course necessary, as to how effective, you need time to verify. The crux of the matter is that for this effect, whether star ”salary limit order “ meets the relevant laws will weaken the enthusiasm of celebrities in engaging in the film and television industry and further degrade the quality of the drama. . Response to public opinion, the star ”salary limit order “ divergence is not small. In favor of those who think: ”should have been so,
以河南西峡石板沟金矿为例 ,选择了一条控矿剪切带 ,对其中成矿地段的近矿蚀变岩和非成矿地段糜棱岩进行了系统的采样 ,探讨了二者在流体 -岩石反应及岩石质量平衡之间的差异
杭政办函[2008]218号各区、县(市)人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属单位:《杭州市城区防汛防台应急预案(试行)》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请遵照实施。 Hangzhou Municipa
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新垦沙棘1号是从沙棘品种乌兰沙林自然实生苗中选育的沙棘新品种。果实卵圆形,平均百粒果重63.4 g,最大单果重1.2 g,深橘黄色,果顶有红晕;鲜果总糖含量7.14%,总酸含量0.65%,
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