马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中 ,以人的实践本质为主题 ,深入地论述了九个哲学观点 :(1)实践的实质是人的本质力量的对象化 ;(2 )实践导致异化又克服异化 ;(3 )实践最终促使人趋向自由而全面的发展 ;(4 )自然界既是人生存的基础又是人作用的对象 ;(5 )人在社会性的劳动中创造历史 ;(6)实践也是一种感性的审美的活动 ;(7)实践的本质力量必然酿成 (自然科学和人的科学相统一的 )现实的人道主义 ;(8)哲学辩证法是人的实践活动的实践辩证法 ;(9)实践哲学是超越唯物主义和唯心主义对立的实践唯物主义
In the 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, Marx elaborates nine philosophical points of view on the nature of man’s practice: (1) The essence of practice is the objectification of the essential forces of man; (2) The practice leads to alienation (3) The practice eventually leads to the development of people in a free and all-round way; (4) nature is both the basis of human existence and the role of human being; (5) human beings create history in social labor; (6) Practice is also a perceptual and aesthetic activity. (7) The essential force of practice inevitably leads to the reality of humanism (the unification of natural science and human science). (8) The philosophical dialectics is a practical dialectic of human practice. (9) Practical philosophy is the practical materialism that transcends materialism and idealism