营业推广(SP),被誉为现代营销的开路先锋,销售的推进器。现代营销理论认为,营业推广与人员推销、广告、公共关系有异曲同工之妙。是现代促销四大手段之一。营业推广系由一系列颇具激励性、诱导性的促销方式构成。它在引起尝试反应、改变购买习惯、刺激购买数量、刺激潜在购买者、增强经销商接受程度、引入新产品、宣传附送品、防范竞争者、提高广告效果、巩固品牌形象等方面功效独特。正如美国促销协会总裁William A·Robinson所说:“广告创造有利的销售环境后,SP就可以将商品推进输送管中”。
Business promotion (SP), known as the pioneer of modern marketing, sales of propeller. Modern marketing theory believes that sales promotion and staffing, advertising, public relations are the same. Is one of the four major means of modern marketing. Business promotion by a series of quite motivational, inductive promotional form. It is unique in that it attempts to react, change purchasing habits, stimulate purchases, stimulate potential buyers, increase dealer acceptance, introduce new products, promote accessories, prevent competitors, improve advertising effectiveness, and reinforce brand image. As William A. Robinson, president of the American Marketing Association, puts it: “After the ad creates a favorable sales environment, the SP can push the product into the duct.”