吸入疗法是防治哮喘病的最佳给药途径。雾化吸入药物治疗哮喘,临床上已得到广泛应用。近年来,我们采用雾化吸入喘乐宁治疗哮喘急性发作,取得良好疗效。报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 对象与方法 1.1.1 观察对象:门、急诊及住院病人共62例。其中男34例,女28例。年龄8个月~72岁。其中儿童44例,成人18例。全部病例均经临床确诊为哮喘病人。病史几个月至数十年不等。因各种诱发因素急性发作,在12小时之内。
Inhalation therapy is the best way to prevent asthma. Atomized inhalation drugs for the treatment of asthma, has been widely used clinically. In recent years, we use the inhalation of asthma Ningleinning acute asthma attack, and achieved good results. The report is as follows: 1 clinical data 1.1 objects and methods 1.1.1 observed objects: door, emergency and hospitalized patients a total of 62 cases. There were 34 males and 28 females. Aged 8 months to 72 years old. Among them, 44 were children and 18 were adults. All cases were clinically diagnosed as asthma patients. History of a few months to several decades. Acute attacks due to various triggers within 12 hours.