先行弃树下地千手观音美国律师作家约翰·麦·赞恩在《法律的故事》中写道:人类的祖先在树上度日。最初的人类断然弃树下地。它的后腿的爪已转变为足,足可以坚实地踏地并与脊柱的 S 状弯曲共同作用使得他们直立起来。不仅可以直面看世界,而且还能抬眼望星空。雅典阿波罗神庙有一块石碑,镌刻着“认识你自己”五个大字,这是苏格拉底的名言。与之异曲同工的则是埃及狮身人面兽斯芬克斯的永恒之谜。创业伊始,中伦金通
Ancestor discarded tree Avalokitesvara United States attorney writer John Mai Zane in the “story of law” wrote: the ancestors of mankind in the tree. The first humans categorically abandoned the tree. Its hind paws have been transformed into feet enough to tread firmly and work with the S-shaped curvature of the spine to make them erect. Not only can we look directly at the world, but also look up at the stars. Athens Apollo temple has a stone, engraved with “know yourself ” five characters, this is Socrates famous. It is the eternal mystery of the Sphinx of Sphinxes in Egypt. At the beginning of entrepreneurship, Zhong Lun Jin Tong