大家好!我叫米丫,来自美国伊利诺伊州。我爱做充满想象力的事情,比如读童话、看电影、听音乐……不过,我最喜欢的就是把这些有趣的经历写下来。现在我已经上小学四年级了,想写的故事更多了,也想掌握更多的写作技巧。上期我分享了我的说明文《怎样种植西红柿》,你有没有写一篇说明文练笔呢?如果你想分享你的文章,可以发送邮件到[email protected]。我希望我们通过练习,能把故事写
Hello everyone! My name is Mi Ah, from Illinois, USA. I love doing imaginative things like reading fairy tales, watching movies, listening to music ... but my favorite is to write down these interesting experiences. Now that I am in fourth grade, I want to write more stories and want more writing skills. Last time I shared my note “How To Grow Tomatoes”, did you write an explanatory writing pen? If you want to share your article, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]. I hope we can write stories by practicing