兰新铁路第二双线设计运行时速为350 km,而线路穿行的三十里风区严重干旱缺水,地表水又极其稀缺,常年8级以上大风天气在200 d以上,这些困难因素严重影响了三十里风区高速铁路的建设,尤其是对于用水量较大、受气象因素制约的混凝土施工养护。设计采用使用年限为100年的高性能混凝土,因为该地区特殊的气候条件,目前尚无可作参考和借鉴的标准及施工经验,为保证工程质量,施工方专门针对该恶劣气候条件进行了大量的现场试验,探索和总结出了一套可行的经验。
The second two-lane design of Lan-Xin Railway is designed to run at a speed of 350 km / h. However, severe wind-blown and water-deficient areas in the 30-mile stretch passing through the line have extremely scarce surface water and wind gusts over Grade 8 and above are more than 200 days. These difficult factors seriously affect Thirty mile wind high-speed railway construction, especially for the larger amount of water, subject to weather constraints of concrete construction conservation. Due to the special climatic conditions in this area, there is no standard and construction experience for reference and reference. In order to ensure the quality of the project, the constructor has carried out a large number of high-performance concrete specifically for the adverse weather conditions Field experiments to explore and sum up a set of feasible experience.