A Problem That Isn't a Problem

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In recent years, putonghua has become a feature of Hong Kong life. When I called Lai Wai Shing to arrange an interview, he insisted that he could not speak putonghua well. During the interview, however, it was clear that he was being modest; his putonghua was both clear and fluent. Wallace Yeung, a Hong Kong native whom I met at Mei Foo Sun Chuen, where I interviewed putonghua-ignorant Tsui Chee, volunteered to be his interpreter, albeit with a strong Cantonese accent. LAI Wai Shing’s work experience is straightforward. He was employed by the Ta Kung Po in 1972, and became an economic journalist in 1980. He and his family migrated to Canada in 1995. Lai Wai Shing returned to Hong Kong in 1999 and joined the Hantec Group. He began to work as financial commentator at Hong Kong NOW TV in 2006.Lai Wai Shing has witnessed Hong Kong’s huge growth and immense changes. He tells me, “I was born in 1952. At that time Hong Kong was very poor. I remember as a child living with my whole family in a small room with seven or eight people sharing one bed.” Lai Wai Shing thinks of this period as the “epoch of poverty in a small fishing port.” In the 1960s Hong Kong entered an era of processing industry, and in the 1970s its economy took off. In the 1980s Hong Kong’s financial and service trade began to burgeon. After more than 20 years’ development, Hong Kong is now a cosmopolis and an international financial center. “There are those that believe Hong Kong is at a crossroads, and that it runs the risk of being marginalized and supplanted as an international financial center by Shanghai,” says Lai Wai Shing. Quite a number of people worry volubly about the future role of Hong Kong. To Lai Wai Shing, “It’s a problem that isn’t a problem.” During the recent years, putonghua has become a feature of Hong Kong life. When I called Lai Wai Shing to arrange an interview, he insisted that he could not speak putonghua well. During the interview, however, it was clear that he was being modest; his putonghua was both clear and fluent. Wallace Yeung, a Hong Kong native to I Mei at Mei Foo Sun Chuen, where I interviewed putonghua-ignorant Tsui Chee, volunteered to be his interpreter, albeit with a strong Cantonese accent. LAI Wai Shing’s work He was employed by the Ta Kung Po in 1972, and became an economic journalist in 1980. He and his family migrated to Canada in 1995. Lai Wai Shing returned to Hong Kong in 1999 and joined the Hantec Group. He began to work as financial commentator at Hong Kong NOW TV in 2006. Lai Wai Shing has witnessed Hong Kong’s huge growth and immense changes. He tells me, “I was born in 1952. At that time Hong Kong was very poor. I remember as a child living with my whole family in a small room with seven or eight people sharing one bed. ”Lai Wai Shing thinks of this period as the “ epoch of poverty in a small fishing port. ”In the 1960s Hong Kong entered an era of processing industry, and in the 1970s its economy took off. In the 1980s Hong Kong’s financial and service trade began to burgeon. After more than 20 years’ development, Hong Kong is now a cosmopolis and an international financial center. “There are those that believe Hong Kong is at a crossroads, and that it runs the risk of being marginalized and supplanted as an international financial center by Shanghai, ”says Lai Wai Shing. Quite a number of people worry volubly about the future role of Hong Kong. To Lai Wai Shing, “It’s a problem that is not a problem. ”
相信说起自己喜欢的球队,每个球迷都有说不完的话,尤其是遇上德比球队,那更是言语如滔滔江水吧。今天就让国际米兰的球迷和 AC 米兰的球迷来一个面对面的发言,主题围绕在:1、
失地农民我国城镇化进程中所产生的一个特殊群体,是现代化进程发展的必然结果。本文通过分析目前失地农民养老保障制度的现状,提出构建养老保障制度的初步构想。 Landless p
大自然绝不会造就两块完全相同的珍奇异石,一经发现,它就是世界“惟一”的一块,具有独一无二、无与伦比的收藏和审美价值,这是任何收藏品或商品所不及的。真可谓“藏石更觉山河美,赏石方知天地宽”。  爱石、藏石、玩石、赏石已久,前年退休后兴趣尤浓。收集到不少奇石,竟然痴迷其中,寄情于石,情石相交,渐人“石人合一”的境界,从中得到一种慰藉、一种享受,其乐融融。  “赏石妙在想象,在似像非像中引发遐想。”我将
一、单项选择题1.C2.B3.B4.D5.A6.C7.D8.D9.A10.A11.D12.C13.C14.D15.A二、多项选择题1.A、D2.B、C3.A、B、C、D4.A、D5.A、B、D6.A、B7.A、B、C、D8.A、B、C、D9.A、B10.C、D11.B、C12.B、D13.A、D14.A First, a single choice 1. C2. B3. B4. D5.
中国队东亚四强赛夺冠,队长季铭义获得最有价值球员称号。捧着 MVP 奖杯,返回大连的季铭义一看到记者就直摇头,“这个杯事得太难了,我可是带伤上场的啊。”记[下面简称“记