Following Zhang Wenjin to the United States

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In 1937,Zhang Ying studied at the Lu Xun Art Institute in Yan’an.After graduation she began working in the art world under Zhou Enlai’s direction.In 1983, she followed her husband Zhang Wenjin to the United States as wife of the ambassador.During her two-year stay in the U.S., she came into close contact with many American women while working to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the two countries.After her retirement in 1991,she sponsored the production of a 10-episode documentary TV program,“Zhou Enlai and the Arts.”She also wrote a book about her experience in the United States,Called,Following Zhang Wenjin to the United States—Notes of an Ambassador’s Wife.The following are extracts from the book. In 1937, Zhang Ying studied at the Lu Xun Art Institute in Yan’an. After graduation she started working in the art world under Zhou Enlai’s direction. 1983, she followed her husband Zhang Wenjin to the United States as wife of the ambassador. During her two-year stay in the US, she came into close contact with many American women while working to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the two countries. After her retirement in 1991, she sponsored the production of a 10-episode documentary TV program, “” Zhou Enlai and the Arts. "She also wrote a book about her experience in the United States, Called, Following Zhang Wenjin to the United States-Notes of an Ambassador’s Wife. following following extracts from the book .
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