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航空母舰是当今世界最为强大的战争机器之一,它是一个巨大的钢铁堡垒,一个密集的海上基地,一场战争的威力核心。从第二次世界大战开始,航母就成为海洋的霸主。美国总统在有国际事件发生时最喜欢问的一句话就是:“我们最近的航母在哪里?”1917年英国的“百眼巨人”号是世界上的第一艘航母,当时限于飞机的性能、无线通讯能力等指挥问题,航母被视为作战辅助船,主要用于侦察、联络、通讯、救护等工作,而且大多是由平顶运煤船或客轮改装而来,航速低,装甲薄弱,无法跟随主力舰队机动。但是,随着飞行器技术的飞速发展,飞机的性能迅速提高,从甲板上起飞的飞机不仅能携带几挺机枪,还能携带上百千克的重磅炸弹或者上千千克的重型鱼雷,使得航母的作战威力产生了巨大的飞跃。1940年11月11日午夜,英国航母“光辉”号出动了21架“剑鱼”战斗机,突袭距离舰队320千米以外的意大利第一军港塔兰托海军基地。攻击中,这些看上去老旧不堪的、用木料和帆布制造的战斗机仅投放了11枚航空鱼雷和52枚114千克半穿甲航空炸弹就击沉了意大利战列舰“加富尔”号,而“利多里奥”号、“杜伊里奥”号也被数枚鱼雷和炸弹直接命中,船体严重受伤,另外还有1艘巡洋舰和1艘驱逐舰也遭到重创。这次袭击,21架英国飞机中有2架被意大利高射炮击落,2架故障损失,但它们却让整个意大利海军在一年内碌碌无为,总计10万吨以上的装甲巨舰被一举击溃,这种奇迹般的战果即便动用英国皇家海军10艘以上的战列舰主力舰队也是难以想象的。与之对比,1942年的“俾斯麦”号围歼战中,在保持绝对优势的“多打一”情况下,最初参战的皇家海军最强大的战列巡洋舰“胡德”号被“俾斯麦”号一炮葬送在大西洋底,最新锐的战列舰“威尔士亲王”号也被重创逃离战场,随后英国出动了主力舰队中的一大半军舰才在北海建立了一个拦截线,直接参与交火的战列舰超过5艘。如此悬殊的实力并没有让“俾斯麦”号遇到太大麻烦,最后依靠从“皇家方舟”号航母上起飞的9架“剑鱼”战斗机发动的鱼雷攻击,才成功地击毁了“俾斯麦”号的舵机,让其完全陷入被动挨打状态,从此奠定了围歼战的胜利。 The aircraft carrier is one of the most powerful war machines in the world today. It is a huge steel fort, an intensive maritime base and the core of a war’s power. From the beginning of World War II, aircraft carriers became the overlord of the oceans. One of the favorite questions asked by the President of the United States when an international incident occurs is: “Where is our nearest aircraft carrier?” “The United Eye giant in the United Kingdom in 1917 was the world’s first aircraft carrier, Aircraft performance, wireless communication capabilities and other command issues, aircraft carriers are considered combat aids, mainly used for reconnaissance, liaison, communications, ambulance and other work, but mostly by the top coal mines or passenger ships converted from low speed, Weak armor, can not follow the main fleet maneuver. However, with the rapid development of aircraft technology, aircraft performance is rapidly increasing. Aircraft flying off the deck not only carry several machine guns, but also carry hundreds of kilos of heavy bombs or thousands of kilograms of heavy torpedoes, The power of combat has taken a huge leap forward. At midnight on November 11, 1940, 21 ”Swordfish“ fighters were dispatched by the British aircraft carrier ”Glory “ to attack the Taranto Navy Base at the Italian First Army Port, which is 320 kilometers away from the fleet. In the attack, these seemingly old, fighter jets made of wood and canvas had only sunk the Italian battleship ”Cavour“ with only 11 air torpedoes and 52 114-acre semi-armor bomb. The Lidorio and the Duidio were also directly hit by several torpedoes and bombs, which resulted in serious injuries to the hull and a cruiser and a destroyer. Two of the 21 British aircraft were shot down by Italian anti-aircraft guns and two were lost in the attack, but they caused the entire Italian Navy to lose control over a year. A total of over 100,000 tons of armored ships were crushed in one fell swoop. Miraculous victory Even using the British Royal Navy more than 10 battleship main fleet is unimaginable. By contrast, in the 1942 Bismarck, the most powerful battlecruisers of the Royal Navy’s ”Battlecruiser“ ”Hood“, which had been able to maintain their absolute superiority, Was ”Bismarck“ was first mortar sent to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the latest sharp battleship ”Prince of Wales “ was also hit hard to flee the battlefield, followed by the British dispatched a majority of the main fleet in the North Sea was only established an interception Line, directly involved in the crossfire battleship more than 5 ships. The strength of such disparity did not make the Bismarck too much trouble, and finally succeeded in relying on the torpedo attacks by the nine Swordfish fighters taking off from the Royal Ark. Wrecked ”Bismarck " of the steering gear, let it completely into a passive beaten state, and laid the siege war victory.
我原籍浮山县张庄乡杨村,在河南修武县工作, 1998 年退休。2002 年我回故乡探亲时,本家的兄长、退休教师石邦德给我送来3 本《山西老年》,说这个刊物办得很好,内容丰富,