规则:1、英雄帖可通过信件或电邮发至本刊,注明球队详细地址、电话、简介、口号,附上清晰的球队全家福,标明球员姓名、号码、位置,并说明踢球风格与哪支球队相似。刊登采取城市循环制,先来先登。2、集齐本刊“HAPPY 球吧”11枚印花(见左下角,复印无效)的球队,将在本刊免费刊登“德比大战”结果及精彩片断的文字转播,此外,还可参加本刊今后的“最佳球队”、“最佳球员”评选等活动。
Rules: 1, Hero Posts can be sent by letter or e-mail to this publication, indicating the team’s detailed address, telephone number, profile, slogan, attach a clear family portrait of the team, indicate the player’s name, number, location, and explain the style of play Similar to which team. Published to take the city circulatory system, first come first served. 2, the collection of the magazine “HAPPY ball it ” 11 printing (see the bottom left corner, copy invalid) team, will be published in our free “Derby” results and highlights of the text broadcast, in addition, Can also participate in the future “best team ”, “best player ” selection and other activities.